Technology Use Policy

Technology Policy

Technology Acceptable Use Policy:

 Students must follow the established guidelines for acceptable use of technology in order to maintain the privilege of access to technology.


Digital Citizenship

Good digital citizenship is good citizenship. The following rules of citizenship should guide all use of technology and connectivity:

  • Respect and Protect Yourself
  • Respect and Protect Others
  • Respect and Protect Property

Equipment Uses

Students will be expected to be careful when using computer equipment and follow all directions for proper use. 

Internet Use 

Use of the Internet must be consistent with the educational objectives.  Should a teacher or administrator determine that a student’s use does not support educational objectives, access to the Internet may be restricted or denied.

Consequences of Misuse

Students guilty of misusing the school’s technology will receive consequences according to the nature and severity of the misuse. Consequences will be limited or no access to technology for a specified amount of time.

Signature of Acceptance

Parent and student signature will be required for technology usage throughout the district. Please see your student/parent handbook for acceptance form. Please sign and return to school office.