Mrs. Noah's Computer Safety


Welcome to my computer safety web site.  As an educator, I am charged not just with teaching academics, but teaching social skills using technology. Technology is implemented in the early learning process throughout our educational years.  Educators and students need to be made aware of safe and secure use of all technology devices.  Please take a minute to review the importance of computer safety in education!

Digital Citizenship

What is digital citizenship? 

“the self-monitored habits that sustain and improve the digital communities you enjoy or depend on.”


​Supervision and guidance are a big process for teaching young children how to use social media.

Four Key Concepts:

Kindness- promote kindness on social media.

Caution- protect personal information and be cautious around strangers on social media.

Performance- social media post are permanent. 

Reputation- future employers and college admissions can see all information.







Youtube Video

Digital Citizen Link